
This blog has been setup to let everyone know what is happening with Jaren. We hope it will be helpful in getting the information out to all who wish to know what is happening and to those who desire to pray for Jaren.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jaren unhooked part II

We thought Jarens surgery would take place at 3 but the hospital surgeons were really busy today so he went through at 5:30 pm, and was out by 6:30 pm and all is well, he is still sedated and will require a respirator for a couple more days and then they will wean him off that. So far all is looking good and in a couple days we will get to hold him again. Ps. If any of the primary children are following this blog, I was told that you were praying for us, I wanted to thank you personally, your prayers have been heard, and Sister Lambeth and I are very thank full. Your prayers helped our baby and you are a special bunch of spiritual giants. thank you

1 comment:

  1. I would like to thank ALL the 100's of people that have said a prayer for Jaren. There has been people from the United States to Alfhanistan to Italy! Thank you ALL! God is coninuting to heal his little body daily!! I am thankful for all of you. You are
    ALL Prayer Warriors.

    Love your Yah-Yah!
