
This blog has been setup to let everyone know what is happening with Jaren. We hope it will be helpful in getting the information out to all who wish to know what is happening and to those who desire to pray for Jaren.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The latest

Jaren is doing so well, they have his respirator turned down to 21, which is the normal rate for human beings with no assisted oxygen, they hope to have him off the respirator by tomorrow morning. He is totally off Dopamine (for blood pressure) and they are weaning him off Morphine, probably over the next couple of days.
I just spoke to one of his nurses, she told me she was really impressed with his quick recovery She told me that it was amazing that just a week ago he was so sick and now he is so strong and doing so well.
I found out just a couple of days ago, My uncle's brother was one of the EMT's that got him ready for the flight to come here, from what I was told it took 4 hours to stabilize him for the trip and he was so weak and sick they really didn't think he would survive the flight; and now to see him, to feel his strong little grip on my finger to see him doing so well, Strengthens my testimony in the love of my Heavenly Father, the power of prayer, and it humbles me that hundreds of people would take time from their lives to pray for my son; and then to see the miracle unfold before my eyes, I know there is a God, not that I doubted, But I know he lives, and I know He is there, I know He loves us and hears our prayers. How wonderful it is to know he cares, if there is anyone person I should give the greatest thank you too, is Him, the one through whom all miracles are received, Our Father in Heaven Thank You!


  1. Wonderful news! We are truly grateful for the gospel and the blessings it brings to us.

  2. That's awesome Brent!! My mom filled me in last week and we have been thinking about you guys, good luck and congratulations!!Casey Talbot

  3. The class is praying for you. They will happen to hear the update. We will be resuming this week. May the blessing continue for your family.
