
This blog has been setup to let everyone know what is happening with Jaren. We hope it will be helpful in getting the information out to all who wish to know what is happening and to those who desire to pray for Jaren.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Evening Update

The nurses took Jaren back and placed a feeding tube and also did some blood work to see if there were any other reasons for not eating, they think he may be starting another infection, and have done another spinal tap and are starting another round of antibiotics to head anything off if it is growing , they should know within the next 24 hours what it is. One of the nurses thinks it might be viral but that is just speculation. If it is bacterial the antibiotcs should take care of it, if it is viral we will just have to wait it out; if it is nothing they may teach us how to work his feeding tube and send us home. What ever the case I am glad we didn't come home and have him this sick and have to come back when he got a lot worse. I may come back home on Monday and go back to work next week, but it will depend on how Jaren is doing.


  1. We're definitely keeping you guys in our prayers. I know this must be discouraging.. hopefully they will be able to find out the cause soon and that he will respond well to the correct treatment.

  2. I know this is very draining for both of you but know that we love you and we are praying for your family. Heavenly Father is keenly aware of you and your needs. Jaren is a very special little boy and so blessed to have such faithful ya
