
This blog has been setup to let everyone know what is happening with Jaren. We hope it will be helpful in getting the information out to all who wish to know what is happening and to those who desire to pray for Jaren.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Maybe Thursday

Our Nurse Practitioner says hopefully Jaren will be released on Thursday. He is doing great now, but because he was doing so well last time and got so sick so fast, the hospital wants to watch him a couple more days to make sure he doesn't have a repeat. I offered to slip $50.00 to any one that would let us go on Tuesday, but I just can't get anyone to go for it, I was told this is Kansas City, it would take more than that, so I offered $50.00 and a big bag of M&M's; I think I'm wearing them down. ( ha! ha!)
Jaren is still gaining weight and still eating good. The doctors have removed his IV's and feeding tube, all he has on is monitering wires, and hopefully they will come off soon too.


  1. Sounds good! Fingers crossed down here in Neosho!!

  2. Oh- forgot to ask. Is the rash gone? Did they ever identify what the cause was/is?

