
This blog has been setup to let everyone know what is happening with Jaren. We hope it will be helpful in getting the information out to all who wish to know what is happening and to those who desire to pray for Jaren.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Trying to come home

Google has had some technical difficulties this week and I have had trouble trying to get things to post, I hope this goes through. Jaren is doing great in every way except gaining weight, he has lost weight a consecutive 5 days now, and is getting close to his birth weight of 7 pounds 10 ounces, that is the only thing keeping us from bringing him home; this problem has every one baffled, he is eating well, except at night, I asked the nurses to limit checking his vital signs at night so he can get enough sleep and that seems to be helping, they have supplemented Mindys milk to add calories, and all his levels are where they should be. I hope eating better at night, and getting more rest will help, and there is the possability of coming home tomarrow, so I sure hope we can, Mindy and I are now in a room with Jaren in the nicu we stayed there lat night and are staying there again tonight, even in these stressfull times it is a bit of fresh air to get to stay with him now, get to take care of him and not have any wires or tubes attached. I hope we can come home soon, I understand if he needs to stay a bit longer, but it will be so nice to come home when we can.

1 comment:

  1. It is good for you both to get some fresh air to maintain sanity and to breather without hospital walls. Baby Jaren is very lucky to have you both as parents! Kristin Stovern
